ARM All units available at Mayhem
Listed from newest to oldest.
Core Gripen  Heavy Ground Strike Aircraft
Creation team = Wettis (unit concept, model), Xubor (retexturing), Warlord (buildpic), gamma (everything else)
Built by = Advanced Aircraft Plant   Cost = 1170 metal, 28,000 energy
Weapon 1 = Heavy Air-Ground Rockets (ID: 119) Weapon 2 = Forward-mounted heavy laser (CORE_BATSLASER)
Weapon 3 = Anti-Air Missiles (CORVTOL_ADVMISSILE)
Features = A fast, agile heavy strike aircraft. What more could you ask for?
Click to download
Click to download Arm Azue  Heavy Disruptor Cannon
Creation team = Hamb0 (concept, model, textures, buildpic, script), gamma (weapon, firing animation, balance)
Built by = Advanced Construction Units   Cost = 7046 metal, 80,687 energy
Weapons = Heavy Disruptor Cannon - Range 2000, Reload 10-12 seconds, Damage 800 (noexplode), AOE 64, 4000 energy per shot (ID: 173)
Features = The weapon description says it all...
Core Penguin 2.0  Floating Amphibious Tank
Creation team = gamma (script, gui, corpse, balance), K@mikaze (model), Stealth870 (buildpic)
Built by = Advanced Vehicle Plant   Cost = 555 metal, 4500 energy
Weapon 1 = Mortar Cannon (core morty) Weapon 2 = Anti-Air missile launcher (Core missile ship, 4 second delay between 3-missile salvos)
Features = Floats on water. Thanks to Stealth870 of Insane Systems for the buildpic render.
Click to download
Click to download Arm Radeon  Resurrection Vehicle
Creation team = Warlord_285 (model, buildpic), gamma (script, gui, corpse, balance)
Built by = Advanced Vehicle Lab   Cost = 560 metal, 13000 energy
Weapons = none
Features = Resurrects units under a short-range radar jamming system that allows the Radeon and units immediately adjacent to remain off Core's radar map. The Radeon also becomes tougher when it is not resurrecting.
Core M.A.R.V.  Mobile Advanced Radar Vehicle
Creation team = Hamb0 (model, buildpic), gamma (script, gui, corpse, balance)
Built by = Advanced Vehicle Plant   Cost = 244 metal, 3840 energy
Weapons = none
Features = Radar range = 2800, 75% the range of Advanced Radar Tower. You will find this mobile advanced radar very useful... Will fold up and is much tougher when switched off or hit by enemy fire. "attack" function: if told to "attack" an area, it will move to a distance outside Guardian range to provide radar coverage on the "target". Don't worry, it wont chase anything though.
Click to download
Click to download Arm Nova  Heavy Blaster Kbot
Creation team = Warlord_285 (model, buildpic), gamma (weapon, script, gui, corpse, balance), Xubor (walk animation)
Built by = Advanced Kbot Lab   Cost = 3000 metal, 27,500 energy
Weapon = Big Friendly Gun 9000
Features = Yep, this is a freakin big kbot and that's a big freakin gun. It's a big blast, long reload type weapon, the shell is slow velocity though, so quick units do have a chance to get the heck out of the way. Due to structural constraints of carrying such a weapon, the armour has weak points - the arms can be blown apart by heavy weapons fire and you must repair the unit back to 90% health to restore them. Weapon ID used: 247
Core Infidel   Cloakable Dual-Mode Tank
Creation team = Hamb0 (model, buildpic), gamma (script, gui, corpse, balance)
Built by = Advanced Vehicle Plant   Cost = 750 metal, 11000 energy
Weapon 1 (on) = Riot Cannon.
Weapon 3 (off) = Heavy Artillery.
Features = When switched on, it is a heavy riot tank with Goliath-class armour. When switched off, it is an artillery tank, however it cannot take nearly as much damage in artillery mode, less than a Reaper. On top of that, it can cloak! No weapon IDs used.
Click to download
Click to download Arm Killer Machine  Advanced EMG Kbot
Creation team = Xubor (model, buildpic, walk animation, weapon, corpse balance), gamma (script, gui)
Built by = Advanced Kbot Lab   Cost = 800 metal, 9,087 energy
Weapon = Heavy EMG
Features = Speed somewhere between a Maverick and a Fido but nearly double the armour, the Killer Machine is nothing but trouble. Note: The Killer Machine's weapon is too heavy for the Siegfried's light-weapon shield and will kill it reasonably quickly. Weapon ID used: 219
Core Siegfried V2.0  EMG-Resistant Tank    Last Updated 17 August, 2002
Creation team = Xubor (model, script, buildpic, weapon, corpse, gui), gamma (revised script)
Built by = Advanced Vehicle Plant   Cost = 309 metal, 4580 energy
Weapon = Anti-infantry Laser.
Features = This tank is the very best for taking out enemy Flash or Peewee Squads, or for raiding brawler-defended areas. The Anti-EMG-effect is part of the script and doesn't influence your TA data. Version 2.0 uses a much improved script that allows it to continue to fire on and destroy Flashes and Peewees while under fire from as many as 6 or more. Weapon ID used: 199
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Click to download the Arm MARS Arm M.A.R.S.  Mobile Air-Repair Spider     **** note: not included in the MayhemPack ****
Creation team = K@mikaze (model), gamma (script, gui, corpse, balance), Hamb0 (buildpic)
Built by = Adv Vehicle Plant  Cost = 600 metal, 9500 energy
Weapon = none.
Features = It's a mobile repair pad that can go anywhere that isn't too wet. Have fun with him...
Core Jar   Light Armoured Laser KBot     **** note: not yet included in the MayhemPack ****
Creation team = Hamb0 (model, buildpic & walk anim), gamma (script, gui, corpse, balance)
Built by = KBot Lab  Cost = 220 metal, 1600 energy
Weapon = Light short-range laser. (Freaker weapon)
Features = No weapon IDs used. It's a cute little brother of the Can of course ^_^
Click to download the Core Jar
Click to download the Arm Bushido Arm Bushido  Tactical Assault Tank
Creation team = EnJoY (model), gamma (weapon, script, gui, corpse, balance), The_Spider (buildpic)
Built by = Vehicle Plant   Cost = 280 metal, 2600 energy
Weapon 1 = Incendiary Cannon.
Weapon 2 = Light salvo missile launchers (Kbot missile with script delay)
Features = That main weapon sure is deadly, but with a short range, slow speed and light armour it only comes in really useful in situations where opposition is scarce. It cannot use the light missiles while firing the cannon either. But... whee! That cannon is deadly :D
Core Shodan  High-Energy Laser Tank
Creation team = gamma (weapon, script, gui, corpse, balance), K@mikaze (model), Rightfield (buildpic)
Built by = Vehicle Plant   Cost = 240 metal, 2200 energy
Weapon = Heavy Laser. (GAAT gun with 4.5 second delay)
Features = Long reload, slow, light armour, but a nice long range on that powerful laser. Useful accompaniment to the Leveler because the Shodan will pick off more distant targets and is tougher. No weapon IDs used.
Click to download the Core Shodan
Click to download the Arm Drake Arm Drake  Super Heavy Assault Kbot
Creation team = Bubba 359 (model), K@mikaze (texturing), gamma (weapons, script, gui, corpse, balance), Rightfield (buildpic)
Built by = Bantha Shelter, Mechlab, Heavy Kbot Lab, Heavy Kbot Center or the Juggernaut Gantry (click the links to download the factory of your choice). You will need one of these factories to be able to build the Drake.
Cost = 16000 metal, 76000 energy
Click here for more information about the Arm Drake.
Core Gargoyle  Mobile Energy Weapon
Creation team = Warlord 285 (model, buildpic), gamma (script, gui, corpse, balance)
Built by = Adv Vehicle Plant   Cost = 2250 metal, 16000 energy
Weapon 1 = BLOD Weapon (Arm Shooter).
Weapon 2 = Heavy Lasers (Core GAAT gun, reload 1.85 secs).
Weapon 3 = Light Laser (Core Commander).
Features = A bona-fide mobile Doomsday Machine. Heavier armour than Arm's Penetrator, but slower. Watch out for the big bang when a Gargoyle is destroyed. You can select to fire the light laser using the "d"-key. No weapon IDs used.
Click to download the Core Gargoyle
Click to download the Arm Shellshocker Arm Shellshocker  All-Terrain Heavy Artillery
Creation team = Warlord 285 (model, buildpic), gamma (script, gui, corpse, balance)
Built by = Adv Vehicle Plant   Cost = 2400 metal, 15500 energy
Weapon = Heavy Artillery (Arm Ambusher, reload = 3.9 seconds)
Features = Can take its long-range, accurate, deadly cannon over any terrain, and is quite tough too. Has slow speed, and needs support - if it can see it, it's likely too close - it will fire right over most targets at close range. No weapon IDs used.
Core Ogre  Heavy Amphibious Kbot     Last Updated: 29 March 2002
Creation team = K@mikaze (model), gamma (script, gui, corpse, balance), The_Spider (buildpic)
Built by = Adv Kbot Lab   Cost = 875 metal, 7900 energy
Weapon 1 = Heavy Lasers (Core Sumo)
Weapon 3 = Torpedo (Torpedo Launcher, reload 9 secs)
Features = You can select to fire the torpedos using the "d"-key, note you will have to move him into range first; he will not move automatically. No, he does not walk, those are tank tracks. Update: more costly and slower acceleration for gameplay balance. Revision thanks to Unit Review Center.
Click to download the Core Ogre
Click to download the Arm Rebel Arm Rebel Version 2.1  Shielded Command Tank      Last Updated: 15 September 2002
Creation team = K@mikaze (model), gamma (script, gui, corpse, balance), Nube & Brother Alpha (shield script), Hamb0 (buildpic)
Built by = Adv Vehicle Plant   Cost = 775 metal, 6900 energy
Weapon (when activated) = Heavy Tank cannons (Arm Bulldog}
Weapons (when deactivated) = Rapid-fire cannons (Arm Bulldog again)
Features = Has Radar and shielding when switched on, double fire rate when switched off.
Update: better model, better corpse, better script, better buildpic. 2.1 update includes improved balance. Revision thanks to Unit Review Center.
Core Howie   Howitzer KBot      Last Updated: 11 February 2002
Creation team = Bubba 359 (model), Brother Alpha (texturing, walk animation, buildpic), gamma (weapon, script, gui, corpse, balance)
  Built by = Krogoth Gantry   Cost = 3200 metal, 37000 energy
Weapon 1 = Howitzer artillery (ID: 218)
Weapon 2 = Heavy anti-air missiles (Core Missile Ship)
Features = Mobil Intimidator? Pretty close to it. This unit needs support because it is not tough and cannot fire the howitzer on targets too close.
Click to download the Core Howie
Click to download the Arm Archangel Arm Archangel  "Flying" KBot     Last Updated: 11 February 2002
Creation team = K@mikaze (model, texturing), gamma (script, gui, corpse, balance), Rampage (buildpic)
Built by = Adv KBot Lab   Cost = 520 metal, 6500 energy
Weapon 1 = Light Gauss (Arm Anaconda)
Weapon 2 = Kbot Rockets (Arm Rocko)
Features = "Flys" over water - that is, it hovers above it. Cool smoke effects while traveling over water. Tougher when walking on land.
Core Penguin  Floating Amphibious Tank     Last Updated: 11 February 2002
Creation team = The_Spider (model, buildpic) gamma (script, gui, corpse, balance)
Built by = Adv Vehicle Plant   Cost = 555 metal, 4500 energy
Weapon 1 = "Mortar" Artillery (Core Morty)
Weapon 2 = Heavy anti-air missiles (Core Missile Ship, 4 missile salvo, 4-second delay).
Features = transforms on into catamaran on water.
Click to download the Core Penguin
Click to download the Arm Porcupine Arm Porcupine  Armoured Mobile Energy Weapon    Last Updated: 28 January 2002
Creation team = Bubba 359 (model), gamma (weapon, script, gui, corpse, balance), The_Spider (buildpic)
Built by = Adv Vehicle Plant   Cost = 1400 metal, 20,000 energy
Weapon = Energy Blast Weapon (ID: 182)
Features = weapon retracts and unit becomes tougher when switched off or weapon not in use.
Core Goblin  Dual-weapon Assault Kbot     Last Updated: 11 February 2002
Creation team = K@mikaze (model, texturing, weapon), gamma (script, gui, corpse, balance), The_Spider (buildpic)
Built by = Adv Kbot Lab   Cost = 1256 metal, 12,000 energy
Weapon1 = Twin Autocannons (ID: 240)
Weapon2 = V-Launch guided Missiles (ID: 241)
Features = cool idle script. a kick-ass light mech >:-)
Click to download the Core Goblin

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