Download all maps as a single map pack here:
(TA_Features_2013 features file also required).

Click to download the Map SINKHOLES 2
Author = Tangaroa   Map Size = 22 x 22   Filesize = 12 Mb
Tileset = Zhon   Tools used = Annihilator, Photoshop CS
Datafile = The revised version of Sinkholes, redone in the Zhon tileset, trees are more sparse in the lower areas, some shallow water, includes rocks and water now. The AI will have difficulty with the bumpy edges of the cliffs, particularly with many units. -Tangaroa
Click to download the Map PLATFORM RIVER
Author = Tangaroa   Map Size = 18 x 18   Filesize = 4.6 Mb
Tileset = Metal, Atlantis Metal   Tools used = Annihilator
Datafile = A canal seperates a series of metal platforms. The original purpose of this metal landscape is not known, it now remains as a battleground for the war machines of ARM and CORE. Great battles await you, commander. -gamma
Click to download the Map BATTLE FOR TOFFEN
Author = SleepWarz   Map Size = 32 x 32   Filesize = 22.5 Mb
Tileset = Green, Urban, Metal, Adamante   Tools used = Annihilator
Datafile = My crown jewel of maps, The Battle For Toffen is a 32x32 screen map for up to ten players. Mixed with many terrains and a extensive river system, level one ships with the exception of the transports are able to make their way down the rivers, with sparse tree coverage and many fords for ground units to cross, even a metal section for new players to build on. Many great battles to be fought and victories to be won. - SleepWarz
Click to download the Map PUTIRANGA PINNACLES
Author = Lord Tangaroa   Map Size = 25 x 25   Filesize = 8.2 Mb
Tileset = Admante/Evergreen Cliff Transitions by C_A_P   Tools used = Annihilator
Datafile = Nice work from Lord Tangaroa, another admante and evergreen map, a lot less trees though and a great dry riverbed to run amok on. Metal is fairly scarce and confined to the pinnacle areas mostly, which should involve some interesting combat over the middle areas. Interesting thing to note is the level of ground metal here, an extractor put down anywhere will give you 0.1 metal. This is not very worthwhile though - 10 extractors to get 1 metal! To win, you really will need to get out of the corner you start in. - gamma
Click to download the Map SINKHOLES EAST
Author = Lord Tangaroa   Map Size = 9 x 9   Filesize = 1 Mb
Tileset = Admante/Evergreen Cliff Transitions by C_A_P   Tools used = Annihilator
Datafile = A small section of Tangaroa's masterpiece Sinkholes, making for a very different dynamic. It's our smallest map to date, keep in mind it's still bigger than Metal Heck or Great Divide though - a Bertha will not quite go corner-to-corner. This one was a special request from me: a map that uses new tiles but is a relatively small download, and a good size to play multiplayer games on. - gamma
Click to download the Map ARAWANNA BAY
Author = Lord Tangaroa   Map Size = 18 x 18   Filesize = 7.6 Mb
Tileset = Green Completion by Chinahook   Tools used = Annihilator
Datafile = Another fine map by the our artist Lord Tangaroa. A picturesque landscape and harbour, with the added twist of a shallow bar down the left hand side of the map.
I like this one because just about everything is a viable option. You can go sea quite effectively, but land troops can access most of the map as well. Credt goes to Admanta for the map's name. - gamma
Click to download the Map SINKHOLES
Author = Lord Tangaroa   Map Size = 22 x 22   Filesize = 3 Mb
Tileset = Admante/Evergreen Cliff Transitions by C_A_P   Tools used = Annihilator
Datafile = It's a bit like the reverse of Evergreen Canyons, but really this is different country entirely. Imagine desolate slate landsape with sunken ravines formed by subterranean water action and you'll get the picture. This map shows Lord Tangaroa's improving skills as a mapmaker - he started excellently and he continues to get better with every map.
Almost all the sinkholes are accessible by ground units and contain plenty of trees, and there is more metal in there as well though you may have to reclaim trees to find it! A fifth player starts in the middle with a lot more resources, so a 5-player FFA (free for all) would prove... interesting. - gamma
Click to download the Map LOW METAL
Author = The StarWarz Dude   Map Size = 10 x 10   Filesize = 780 Kb
Tileset = Atlantis Metal   Tools used = Annihilator
Datafile = Looks like a typical rusher's map, right? WRONG! The metal walls effecively block quick egress from the top to the bottom. You can get there along the top of the walls easily enough, but only in twos and threes.
This is another cousin of Metal Heck, but unit movement is restricted in different ways. A quick Punisher/Guardian on the T-shaped bits on the sides would be very useful! >:] as will a quick Bertha against an unwary opponent. Once again, a small download and well worth it, thanks to the The StarWarz Dude. - gamma
Click to download the Map SUNKEN HECK
Author = The StarWarz Dude   Map Size = 20 x 20   Filesize = 891 Kb
Tileset = Atlantis Metal   Tools used = Annihilator
Datafile = Nice metal fun here, kinda think Metal Isles but the starting Isles are smaller and offer less protection, and the 3 dozen or so smaller islets offer plenty of opportunity for both shelter for your navy, and places to build heavy artillery close to your foes. A much cosier map all in all, and nicer looking too, none of that oily black water. Check this one out! It's a small download. - gamma
Click to download the Map EVERGREEN CANYONS    **fixed 03 May 2002
Author = Lord Tangaroa   Map Size = 19 x 19
Filesize = 8.2 Mb
Tileset = Evergreen by C_A_P   Tools used = Annihilator
Datafile = The lush jungles of an unspoilt planet named Manawatu have become the battleground for the eternal enemies, Arm and Core.
Our biggest download so far when it comes to maps - but 100% worth it. Don't be fooled by the somewhat plain looking minimap: the lush jungles and green valleys make very picturesque killing fields. ^_^ - gamma
Click to download the Map SHORE OF GORE
Author = The StarWarz Dude   Map Size = 5 x 27
Filesize = 2.2 Mb
Tileset = Green Completion by Chinahook   Tools used = Annihilator
Datafile = It's shore to shore turned on its side! Well, not really ; ) the map looks quite different ingame, and strategy-wise it is similar, but with some important differences. Most of all, the islands between the two landmasses present quite a different set of problems - and a number of advantages that cannot be ignored. Time for some island-hopping mayhem thanks to our new mappie, The StarWarz Dude. - gamma
Click to download the Map

Author = The Renegade   Map Size = 20 x 20 Filesize = 3.3 Mb
Tileset = Urban   Tools used = TAE
Datafile = Little remains of Manhattan Island thousands of years into the future... According to The Renegade, this map is to commemorate the unfortunate events in September last year. This is a bit of an unusual Urban map in that there are in fact some metal patches - near every starting position - as well as a few gigantic hulks of metal for you to reclaim. Not a lot of metal patches though, so building some metal storage and grabbing the nearby metal trophies early on could give you a decided advantage. The Core Contingency Expansion pack is needed to play this map. - gamma

Click to download the Map TOTAL ANNIHILATION
Author = The Renegade   Map Size = 40 x 21
Filesize = 1.4 Mb
Tileset = Metal   Tools used = TAE
Datafile = Heh not really a serious map, just The Renegade showing his skill with tiles ^_^
Despite being a large, metal map this does offer some suprising potential for good games in amongst the letters - Space enough for plenty large battles, but offering plenty of shelter, higher/lower ground and walls for tactics to be played out. I could a imagine a LAN game wih 10 players easily on this map. - gamma
Click to download the Map TROUT HATCHERY
Author = Lord Tangaroa   Map Size = 15 x 15
Filesize = 1.3 Mb
Tileset = Atlantis Metal   Tools used = Annihilator
Datafile = Datafile = More of those trout farming tanks on Atlantis... CORE doing more nefarious experiments, I'll wager.
This is really a kind-of variation to Metal Heck - expect some massive battles on this map. Things will get out of hand very quickly. ^_^ For 2-player, the start positions are the north corners so you will likely be skirmishing quicker than you think. This completes the atlantis metal trilogy of maps by Lord Tanagaroa. - gamma
Click to download the Map METAL CALDERA
Author = Lord Tangaroa   Map Size = 27 x 27
Filesize = 0.9Mb
Tileset = Atlantis Metal   Tools used = Annihilator
Datafile = The crater of a giant extinct volcano on Atlantis converted to... trout farms?
It looks like rushes cou\d happen easily here, but the sheer size of the map forstalls that. Your ground units will get tied up on the pools of water across the center; again hovercraft could come in useful because they can traverse the pools without a problem... useful if you can get them built in numbers early enough, that is.   - gamma
Click to download the Map COLD STEEL
Author = Lord Tangaroa   Map Size = 25 x 25
Filesize = 1.8Mb
Tileset = Atlantis Metal   Tools used = Annihilator
Datafile = yes another metal map, but this is not on Core Prime. Cold Steel is a portion of a planet known as Atlantis, where many of its denizens reside underwater. What do those cones and domes do? Only Core knows.
This map is another good altenative to Over Crude Water, with the surroundings a lot more pleasing to the eye. While it is not as mazelike, it is still hard to reach the starting islands of your opponents by land or sea. Hovercraft may prove quite useful here.   - gamma

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