List of people who have contributed to Mayhem Inc

gamma - webmaster, modmaker, unitmaker, content creator

M1Garland - 3D modeler, unit concepts, unitmaker

Idec Sdawkminn - unit concepts and scripts, 3D modeler, mad scientist

Sarwajagat - 3D modeler, unit concepts

Archdragon - 3D modeler, unit concepts

SnakeInTheMirror (a.k.a. Keeper, a.k.a. MnHebi) - custom palettes, AI Designer, misc dev

Flashbang, a.k.a. V_Flashbang, a.k.a Rage - map maker, low angle safety ballistics

SleepWarz (a.k.a. TheStarWarzDude) - map maker

Lord Tangaroa (a.k.a. Asgard, a.k.a. Macropiper) - map maker

K@mikaze - co-webmaster, unit design, concepts and modeling (inactive)

hamb0 - unit concepts, 3D modeler, renderer

The Renegade - map maker

EnJoY - 3D modeller, graphics

The_Spider - unit design, 3D modeling, renders, coding

MajorBigg - AI designer

Rampage - unit design, concepts and modeling, renders

WArLoRD285 - unit concepts and design, site art, 3D models, renders

Bubba 359 - unit design, concepts and 3D modeling

Part of the Total Annihilation Universe.

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